Testimony: Chih-Cheng Yang

Chih - Cheng Yang

Success is his second name, as it is the meaning of his name. “For me success is to have a family.”

Chih-Cheng is also known as Mike. It is his nickname that was given by a friend in Australia in 2012.

Chih-Cheng Yang is an engineer from Taiwan, he has been here for the last 4 years. The first time that he came to Australia was in 2012 when he worked in a farm in Bundaberg, after almost one year he decided to return to his country. However, his wishes to learn English, brought him back to Australia in 2017, but in this opportunity as an International Student.

“Taiwan’s people are the best thing of Taiwan. They are always look after each other.
Taiwan is pretty awesome”

Edition 16 | 2021 | By: Nathaly Trujillo

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